Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Close of 2011

As another year is coming to an end it's time to reflect on where I started 2011 and where I'm finishing it.

I DID read my Bible through in a year! In fact I finished it at 4:48 p.m. on Sunday, November 6th - 24 days early! What an amazing accomplishment this was for me. Not just for me but for my family. The way that the word has helped me to grow this year has been amazing. Sure, I'm not perfect nor will I ever be, but this is the start of a life long growing session through the word of God and with God beside me.

I didn't lose the weight I had hoped to in 2011. There was just too much going on for me to mess with trying to diet with two small children in the house let alone find time for exercise which didn't require them jumping on me on the floor. But, this has to change in 2012. I'm at my heaviest to date and I'm simply tired of it. Having to buy new clothes, in bigger sizes, is just not fun and enjoyable. I'm heavier then when I gave birth to both of my kids and that alone has to say something! So I've joined up with which is in essence the free version of Weight Watchers and I'm going to Zumba on Monday nights (hoping to add a second session in the week somewhere) with my mom. With a wedding coming up in September I at least have a date to help me set my goals to!

Our financial situation did improve some but I wouldn't say that we went through the financial revival that we had hoped for. We are more aware of where our money is going and how quickly it can get out of hand. We are again regrouping and will figure out a tighter, more monitored, budget for 2012. Not only to get debt paid down but hopefully allowing me the opportunity to stay at home after this next year. It's our goal to either #1 home school the children or #2 have the means of sending them to a private Christian school. To do either requires that I be home.  With the help of my new Thirty One business I'm hoping to continue to reach consistent sales levels and also build my team so that while we do have a goal for me to be home, I can still help provide an income. Even if it's just extra money.

Josh also finished reading his Bible in a year and that was equally amazing. He has grown into such an awesome man of God that there are times I just sit back and look at him in awe and wonder. Knowing just where he's come from and how far he's come, to know that he is on fire for the Lord and for the work of His kingdom....there is nothing in this life that could make me prouder of him. I love him so much! Our year may have started off rough, a rebuilding of our marriage and relationship as a whole but I really couldn't love him more!

We didn't get Abby out of diapers like I thought we would in 2011 but I know it'll happen in 2012. She's doing a great job of doing it on her own that I fear to push her and try to train her will be met with more resistance and accidents. She's very head strong, independent and her momma. So it's best to let her do what she's doing on her own for right now.

Plans for 2012:
1. Study the Bible - I will continue to read in my Bible daily but my focus for this year is not just reading to read, or reading to complete, but rather reading to learn and grow. This will be easier to do now that I have my new Study Bible. I'm already learning and I just got it over the weekend!
2. Lose about 40 pounds - I know it sounds a little crazy but I was overweight at 150 pounds. Now that I'm almost 175 pounds it's time to get back to what is considered a normal and healthy weight for my height!
3. Continue to grow my Thirty One business - make more contacts, pray more diligently about the work God would have me to do, book more parties, build my team, etc.
4. Pay off our credit cards (again), our Springleaf account and our Kirby. These three alone should help to save us a good little bit of pocket change. Probably not enough for me to stay home but it's a starting point. Maybe in June we'll regroup and plan for more. But I'd rather not deal with overkill when it comes to paying off our debt. We still have to live!
5. Become a more diligent seeker of prayer - as the Bible says we ought to "pray without ceasing." May I continue to pray for those in our church, in our community, for needs as they arise but also to pray without ceasing. To stop just praying once but praying often, as often as the thought comes to mind, praying until something happens! Until the prayer is answered!