Thursday, November 3, 2011


I cannot believe that the last time I posted was March 22. Here we are on November 3rd and finally my days are slowing down a bit allowing me time to sit and put my words out there.

So much has happened this year already. My husband has become a soul-winner for Christ. It's been amazing watching him go out for door-to-door visitations every Saturday when he's available. Because of this I've also volunteered to watch children in the nursery at the church so that other moms and dads can go out as well. The more people going out for door-to-door vistations the more people we get the gospel to.

Ethan has started his second year of preschool and is doing so much better adjusting than last year. I love listening to him when I pick him up from school and he tells me what they've done that day. He's also moved to a new room for Sunday School and Junior Church (happened when he turned 3) and he's growing in the Lord through their teaching and instruction. To hear your miracle child, your firstborn after the world said it as impossible, starts quoting scripture and singing you Bible songs - you can't help but thank God for his goodness.

Abby just turned 2, I still cannot believe that she's 2 already. Then again, she's very much like me - she's 2 going on 20 it seems. She's so instinctually smart and caring that I sometimes catch myself looking at her and envisioning the day when she becomes a mom. She already likes to be the boss, she loves her babies and she's so nurturing for someone so small. Her vocabulary range amazes us all, I don't know that I've ever met a 2 year old who could speak in sentences and sing songs the way she can. She loves her brother and he loves her. It's my daily prayer that they remain this close all throughout their lives.

We haven't really seen our goal of financial revivial come true this year but it doesn't mean we've lost hope. We just need to put together a more structured budget, one that is attainable and that we can agree on as a family then put it into motion. I started selling for Thirty One Gifts in late June and have seen the true income earning potential when I apply myself fully. So it's my goal to continue to do just that. The extra income should help us meet more of our goals in 2012 then we did in 2011.

Update on my bible reading - I haven't given up! For the first time in almost 30 years I am just 46 chapters away from being able to say "I READ MY BIBLE IN A YEAR!" Now that it's so close I have so much more drive to finish it and get my name up on the wall at church. I can taste it. It's been such a tremendous blessing to. I've found so many of the verses that we hear quoted often, I've learned so many of the bible stories that I've read in shortened version to my children and I feel such a calm and peace within my soul over being fed by the bread of life, the word of God. My goal is to be done before Thanksgiving and with only 46 chapters to go - that's definitely going to happen.

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