Friday, January 21, 2011

I am Blessed

Today I take a step back and realize that regardless of what is going on in the world around me or even in my own personal life, daily tasks, etc that I am blessed beyond measure. We are always so quick to say “woe is me” when life doesn’t go our way but instead of doing that. Why don’t we stop and think of all we are thankful for. Of God’s many blessings, those great and those small.
·         I am blessed to have a husband with a heart for God. A man who still loves me after a very trying 13 years together. A man who has stuck by me through thick and thin, laughed with me, cried with me, celebrated with me, mourned with me and who never wavered in his love for me.
·         I am blessed with two beautiful children who are and will always be my miracles. They are the proof of God’s great love for us and that He truly does still perform miracles in the here and now. Two children who make me smile each day with their love, their hugs, and their laughter. I could never imagine myself without children in my life and now I can’t imagine my life without the ones I’ve got.
·         I am blessed to be a part of a church that preaches the word of God straight from the KJV bible and who practices what they preach. It’s amazing to say that I’ve been a Christian more than half of my life and only in the last few years have I really “learned” what that truly means. I’m so grateful to have a church that challenges me, inspires me and holds me accountable.
·         I am blessed with amazing friends who continue to be my saving grace sometimes. Friends who, no matter the distance, are always there for me. Who I can count on for a pick-me-up or a day out just to rejuvenate myself from the crazy life and schedule I sometimes have. I may not have many friends but the ones I do are worth the world to me.
·         I am blessed with a house, a roof over my head, and a shelter from the world around me. It may not be much and in fact I may complain about it more than anything else but it’s ours and it’s functional. There may be a lack of room and a lot of work that needs done to it but it’s ours and it’s functional.
·         I am blessed with a running vehicle that provides me and my family with transportation to and from work, to and from church, to and from wherever we are going. And I’m blessed that it provides us with room to take others with us and/or for us to grow in should we need that room.
·         I am blessed with a job. It may not be a dream job but after tasting for just a few months the sting of unemployment, I’d rather have any job than no job at all. It may not pay the bills but it helps to provide for our needs. It’s finally a job working in the field I went to school for so maybe I can finally stop regretting the time and money I spent to get the extra degree almost five years ago.
·         But above all I am blessed to serve a risen Savior. A God who loved me so much, before the world was even formed, that He knew he’d send his Son to save us. A world that was lost and in darkness, was given form and made light. A Savior, who was crucified, bled and died, to cover my sin and my shame and to pay my debt on Calvary. A Savior who is with me daily as I read my bible, as I say my prayers, when I call upon His name. He hears every prayer, sees every hurt, wipes away every tear, He rejoices when we rejoice and He still answers our prayers and provides in ways that we can’t on our own. He’s merciful, He’s simply amazing and I’m blessed to serve Him!

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