Thursday, December 2, 2010

A bump in the road...

Today is a perfect example of how even with the best of intentions...we sometimes find bumps in the road. Last night Josh and I enjoyed the message from Brother Allen and had a powerful prayer time. The kids were in a great mood and we didn't have any trouble getting them to bed. However, it was another night where keeping them in bed was a battle. Poor Abby has developed a fear of her crib and when she wakes up she screams and is trying to climb out. So our plan of shhing and patting didn't work well last night. I believe she was up three or four times, Ethan was in our bed by 4 as well. So it set the day off in a bit of a blunder. I showered, got Josh up and he had just enough time to get ready and walk about the door. Today is also the day that First Steps will be coming for the eligibility meeting for Ethan's speech therapy and the house is a wreck. All things in the mix and I have not yet had time in my day to read the word of God which I know would help me immensely right now. But the day is not over, I WILL read my bible today even if I have to stay up until midnight to do so. This is just a bump in the road but it's one that I can get over with ease.

Precious Lord Jesus, thank you for the blessing of a new morning, a new day to live for you. Lord I want to continue to thank you for the work that you are doing to heal and strengthen my marriage. We are both at fault and we know that, but we strive each day to continue to build a firm foundation upon which we stand. Forgive us our faults and our sins, Lord heal the wounds that are still fresh and leave us vulnerable. It's been said that when there is a cut and the wound heals it forms a scar which is stronger than the original flesh, that's my hope Lord. That after all of this is said and done and we have the opportunity to fully heal, we'll be stronger than we were before. Lord, I want to take special time to pray for Ethan as we go into his appointment today. He's only 2 1/2 and he's such a joy, the light of my life, but I do know that he's struggling. He struggles with his speech and his comprehension, Lord help us and the therapists to put forth the best plan of action towards therapy to help see improvement in his life. I look forward to conversations with him that we can understand, to hear his imagination as he plays with his toys, for him to begin to read and to pray more clearly, to sing and to dance, to listen and understand. These are my prayers for my son. Father, I pray that you continue to be with us as winter begins. Lord, help us to stay healthy. There are needs to be met that I'd like to pray for as well. May you do a work in us and through us that we may have a testimony to answered prayer knowing that you heard us, answered us and receive all the glory. Lord, we need a bed for Ethan, something that is bigger where he's not going to be uncomfortable and falling out or hitting the wall so much. He's a tall boy and has outgrown his infant mattress. We have an issue with the refinance on the house, unfortunately the house doesn't appraise for the balance we still owe on our original loan. Lord this is a discouragement but I know that the door hasn't closed yet. I pray that an option will come through for us but if it doesn't I know it's your will. We want so badly to move into a new house, a bigger house with room for each member but we also know that right now that is a far cry from the reality in which we are stuck in. Help us to be content with what we have. We are blessed to have a roof over our head, shelter from the elements, food in our stomachs, clothes on our backs - you have provided for our needs and I trust that you will continue to do so. Right now one of our biggest struggles is with our finances, Lord I pray specifically that you take over. Give us the guidance and wisdom on what to pay, when to pay it and how to pay it so that we see improvement in our situation. I'm not saying miraculously get rid of all our debt, I'm asking that you help to see us through. We've been struggling for years with our debt, the amount of debt, and we just want to be comfortable again. We want to not have anxiety each week over what money we won't have, what we'll go without and what bills will be left unpaid. Help us to make the best financial decisions that we can so that we can see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. It's in your name that I pray, expecting great things - AMEN!

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