Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sustain Me Lord...

This afternoon has ended up quite different then I expected. I took the time to finish up the book of James during my lunch hour and felt good about things. Then I picked our son up from preschool and I'm really struggling with the day to day letters that seem more discouraging then encouraging and helpful. Lord, Sustain Me! This is my prayer.

Precious Lord Jesus, I want to take special time to pray solely for Ethan. My sweet, miracle boy, what a gift and what a joy Lord. I will thank you all the days of my life for blessing me with him, with my family. But Lord, he's struggling, he's having a hard time adjusting to his PMO preschool class. He loves school and is showing improvement at home, but his teachers seem to continue to say he's not adjusting there. Their words and letters seem to be more about what he does wrong and very rarely on what he's doing well. I worry about him getting discouraged, of having the feeling that he can't please anyone and it breaks my heart. I know what a wonderful boy he is, so sweet, so loving, so smart....I just feel like they are giving up on him. Lord, help to provide him with open ears to hear his teachers, the understanding to not only hear but to listen and to do. Give him the patience to sit still, the ability to remain quiet during story time and the understanding that it's not ok to hit your friend/neighbor but rather that he should love them, be kind and gentle with them. Help us in helping him with his speech, it's delayed and we know that. We don't talk down to him as though he's a baby, we do read to him and we repeat what he's saying in the correct words and try to get him to repeat those words but he struggles sometimes. Help us, his teachers and his therapist (when that gets started) to never give up on him, to always push through and work with him trusting that our work will pay off, our work will be rewarded....whether that's a month from now, a year from now or years in the future. He's a special boy Lord, I know you know that. You knit him together, perfectly, within my womb years ago and my life has been all the blessed for it. Thank you Lord for the light and life he brings me daily. Amen!

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