Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review

I think this is the first year in all my life that I am looking forward to the end of this year and the coming of the next. 2010 has been a very difficult year for all of us. We started off the year still dealing with Abby's frustrating colic, then Ethan had issues with fluid retention behind his ears, I got laid off, Ethan developed croup then got tubes put in his ears, and on and on the list goes. K-Love talked about having a word, a single word, to describe the year ending and a word to describe the next year. I would say my word for 2010 is "Trying." It was a year that tried our patience, our finances, our marriage, our strength and our faith. But we came through victorious and strong. The Lord was with us every step of the way and has never once left us and he doesn't forsake us.

My word for 2011 is "Change." I'm striving for a lot of change in 2011. A change in my walk and relationship with Christ. A change in my personal appearance, it's time to lose the baby weight, time to lose the thyroid weight, time to get back to the old me. I may never be 110 pounds again in my life but I'd like to not be 170 lbs or close anymore. Somewhere in the middle would do me just fine. I am looking forward to changing the way things are done around the house. Having a schedule and a routine to ensure that every room is cleaned and that my house stays in better functioning order. I'm hopeful that by developing this schedule not only does it ensure that things get done but it will help the kids to develop a routine and knowledge of what needs done and as they grow they can help us. I look forward to continuing to build upon the rock solid foundation my marriage is on. We've had our share of heartache and pain this year but we vowed before God and each other to remain husband and wife until death parts us. For better and for worse, no matter what life throws at us.

I look forward to changes in my household. Things like getting Ethan potty trained, getting Abby off her bottle and pacifier, to watch my kids continue to grow and develop into the little people God made them to be. It's amazing to live new parts of life through the eyes of my children. It brings thrill and excited into times that we've taken for granted for years. I look forward to spring, to being outdoors and playing, to taking walks and being active. I look forward to seeing how Ethan's speech improves with therapy this year. I look forward to Abby's new found freedom now that she's mobile. To watching her play at the park, learning her own speech patterns. Not to mention I look forward to her developing personality. She's such a flirt, such a ham.

We are striving for financial revival as well. Developing a budget that may have us living like we are in poverty but if it makes a difference and debt is resolved, it's so worth it. At some point it'll just be nice to have a little extra again. Not live paycheck to paycheck experiencing issues every month where the month and our money run our before our debt does. It's been a difficult year in that department between the layoff and issues with the truck and some uncontrolled spending. I'm to blame for that and trying to work on our 2011 budget really helped to show me that. So I strive to be more accountable for every penny spent going forward.

In just a few short hours the ball will drop, although I'll be in bed, marking the new year and Josh and I are welcoming it with open arms. Lord, help to show us your will in 2011, that we may grow closer to you and through you. Guide our steps, our decisions, that our testimony screams "We are children of the King" and not of this world. We love you, we praise your name and we pray expecting great things. Amen!

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