Friday, December 10, 2010

A week later....Lord forgive me!

So I can raise my hand and admit that this has been one heck of a crazy week and unfortunately that has taken me out of my normal routine, it's stolen my personal time with God and I'm sore for it. I have continued to pray and Josh and I have seen God work in our lives for it.....but I've missed out on reading His word. What a shame! However, today, I'm back on track. I took the time to read all five chapters of 1 Peter today. Let me say it's not about the number of chapters or books that I read that make the reading important, it's about being in His word and letting it resonate in me. I heard something on the radio last week that has stuck with me, it shouldn't just be about reading the words written within the pages of the Bible - it should be about learning and growing. So that's my prayer, that these words will help me to learn and to grow!

Precious Lord Jesus, you are amazing. You hear our prayers and are answering them, we can see it and we can feel it. THANK YOU! Who would have thought that four years later, we'd be getting a refund check for our failed IVF cycle. We needed that money and we were able to pay off some debts Lord, thank you! Father, I want to pray a special prayer for my husband as he will be setting out for Chicago tomorrow morning. The weather is supposed to turn ugly with more snow and colder temperatures in our forecast. The lake effect snow will hit Chicago-land more than it will us so I worry Lord, it's part of my makeup. But, instead of worrying I'm giving him to you. Watch over him, guide him and protect him as they travel. Give them the speed and accuracy to get the job done without it taking so much away from his time at home with us. I know this is something that nowadays bothers him more than ever before. Give me patience and strength Lord as it'll be just me with the kids. I pray that both will sleep well tonight so that they are in good spirits tomorrow, I pray that both will be in willing moods to understand that mommy is on her own and trusting that I'll do my best with them and for them. Lord, I pray for my children, that they may know how deeply we love them and how grateful we are for them. I know that at times both Josh and I can get easily frustrated or angered and Lord I know that I feel horrible when that happens, I'm only human, I'm only flesh....Lord I pray you continue to build us up for you so that our children can see you in us and through us. Help us to be the parents you have called us to be for both Ethan and Abby. May we help to mold them into the man and woman you created them to be. It's in your name that we pray, continuing to expect great things. AMEN!

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