Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let the changes - BEGIN!

Today is the 1st of December, almost doesn't seem possible how time passes so quickly. I'm not a big fan of winter or of snow yet my husband and I both have birthdays in the month of December (his is today). We woke up to snow falling this morning. While it's not at all my favorite time of year, I had to take the time to marvel at it's brilliance on the way to work. This is God's creation, each snowflake is individual just as the stars in the sky and the hairs on our heads. Only He could create something so beautiful.
Anyway, as my title reads "let the changes begin!" Today, as is everyday, is a day of new beginnings and new blessings. I decided that today, not next month, I'm going to renew my goal of reading through my bible in a year. I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again but this time I'm hoping to stick to it. I need the word in my daily life to keep my walk and my faith strong, to find encouragements, to find hope, but most importantly to find His truth. I decided to be silly today as I started this new journey and instead of just picking a starting place and going, I decided to read all of the books of the bible that contain just one chapter; Obadiah, Philemon, 2nd John, 3rd John and Jude. From there I also read the five chapters of 1st John and the two chapters of Haggai. So 12 chapters and 7 books into the 1st of December and I'm feeling encouraged. I pray that continues as I get into some of the "harder" and/or longer books of the bible.

Precious Lord Jesus, it is my prayer today and everyday to thank you for my salvation. An innocent man sent to save a world that was lost in sin and death, one Savior who was crucified to shed the blood to cover my sins and pay my debt. I will always be grateful for your sacrifice! What a blessing to answered prayer, the children slept better last night. It's amazing how noticeably different our mornings and days go when as a family, we all get a good night's sleep. It's my continued prayer that this becomes routine in our house as it really does help all of us so much. When the kids are happy we are happy, when we are happy the kid are happy. It's a win/win for all! Lord, I want to give you thanks again today for my husband. For another 365 days, another birthday to celebrate with him. His life is a blessing and I pray that in his life he continues to bless you. As always thank you for my babies, my beautiful children who I just couldn't fathom a day without. The way that they both can melt my heart, they truly are miracles and we give you all the credit for them. We know that without you, they wouldn't be possible. I know that patience is not my best virtue but I'm so glad that I was able to wait for them, even if impatiently at times, they were so worth all the years I spent waiting. As I begin my new reading plan today Lord I pray that you will be with me, let your word speak to me and through me. May I not just read words on a page but listen and hear your voice, learn and retain pertinent information to use throughout my daily walk with you. May your word continue to be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. It's Wednesday Lord which means it's another day to spend in your house but more than that, it's a service set aside for prayer. To pray for our missionaries, for salvation, for health, for unspoken requests, for our church and our leaders. Lord I know that you know every name on that list, every prayer they are praying for themselves or someone is praying for them and all I can ask is that your will be done. I pray for my family, for my parents and my brother, for my in-laws both saved and unsaved Lord that you will do a work in their hearts and in their lives. In Jesus precious name I pray, expecting great things, Amen!

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