Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A New Day

I woke up this morning thanking God for the opportunity to live a new day. Each day is not only a new day it's a "renew" day. A day to start over, to start again. After the day I had yesterday and the feeling of failure and frustration, I sure needed a renew day. As I continue making time for my bible reading I get refreshment from the words written in red. How many parables did Jesus share with us in the bible? I don't know, I haven't read it all yet but I know that Luke is full of them. I've got four more chapters to read to finish up the book of Luke, a book I chose to read the week of Christmas to set my heart in the right place and it's been touching. To hear about the works that should be done, every day not just through the work week, to the faith as a grain of mustard seed, to casting our cares on Him to provide for our needs, and so much more. All the things that still apply today, just as they did all those years before. How great is our God?
While yesterday may have been a set back and even though today we got a rude call from a creditor over a payment already in the mail......I continue to believe with every fiber of my being that 2011 is going to be a year of changes for us. We WILL overcome the battle over our debt, not letting our debt win the battle over us as we have the last few years. We WILL grow, all of us, in ways that are yet unseen. We WILL lose weight and get healthy this year. We WILL, we CAN and again we WILL. I believe this, I strive for this, and I know that with God on our side and in our every waking breath ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
I got to share the miracle of my children with someone at work today. How by all accounts of the wordly doctors we saw, they never should have been possible. But what a blessing they are and what a miracle it's been to not only conceive them, carry them and birth them but to live each day of life with them. Lord, help us never to take a day for granted. It was nice to smile, almost cry, about their true life miracle stories and to show someone other than them and my husband just how much love I have for my family. My awesome family! 2011 is just days away and I look forward to the great things the Lord has in store for me, for my husband, for our children and for my family as a whole.

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