Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another week out....almost

I would say that once again, while my intentions are genuine and good....time is just not always my friend. I need to learn to better budget my time, the hours given to me in the day. Another week has passed. I have been reading, even in the midst of being so sick on Monday I could hardly keep my eyes open, I have been reading. This is something for me to celebrate because it does show that it's a priority to me. It may not always be at the same time everyday, it may only be a couple of chapters, but it's time in God's word and I'm in it daily. This is my goal and in it I have succeeded.
This week I decided to go to the good old book of Luke to get my heart ready for Christmas this weekend. Reading the true Christmas story is always a great way to get my heart ready for this time of year. It's not about the gifts, the number of presents under the tree or the amount of money spent - it's about the babe in the manger. The birth of Christ, where God became man to live a sinless life, to teach us, to guide us, to shed his blood and die for us as payment for our sins. It starts with his birth and it's worth celebrating.
I have seen The Nativity Story in theater and at home so now reading this story I can see the images as well. Probably just the Hollywood images but still...I can see Mary on the donkey, riding through to Bethlehem. I can see Joseph carefully guiding that donkey. I can see them frantically searching for a bed, a warm place to stay and for Mary to give birth. I can see the shepherds as they are greeted by the angels and are told of the birth of Christ. I try to put myself in that place. What an amazing true life story it is.
Then I think about Mary. How would I have responded to such a call from Christ. To conceive, as a virgin, the son of God to become the payment and remission of our sins. To know all that He'd be and become and to know of the suffering and the death he would die on the cross. As a mother myself, I just don't know that I could do it. I love my children too much to let them go....this is the biggest reality check of all for me. I need to realize that my children are God's children. He knit them together intricately and perfectly within my womb, I carried them and gave birth to them but they are His. I will raise them up the best that I can for Him because I know that while God chose us to be their parents, they are only ours on borrowed time. There may come a day when my son tells me he wants to be a missionary in some far off country, I'm sure I'll cry and I'll worry for him, but I will let him go proudly cherishing the man of God he will be. There may be a day when my daughter marries a man, strong in faith, who wants to move across the country to start a new church and be a preacher....I'll miss her, I'll cry, but I'll gladly and loving support them in any way that I can.
Lord, continue to use Josh and I, mold us and make us into the parents you would have us to be for our children. May we be a witness and testimony to all who see us that they may know - we are yours! May we be able to proudly say Merry Christmas in a time when the world is now focusing on Happy Holidays to be politically correct. Lord, you are the true reason for the season. May we always see that, both at Christmas time and each day of life you give us. Happy Birthday Jesus.

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